My journey through life with HIV and HEP-C .

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dating and having sex .....again

OOhh yes....... it's certainly time to move on and move forward with my true self. I have been so turned off about sex and having it, I convinced myself I was no longer date-able or attracted to anyone for that matter. I have been violated several times which is a turn off. I contracted HIV and Hep-c, another turn off . But with my new found second chance comes choices I need to make for myself. I certainly didn't think I would be celibate for this long or that I wouldn't want to date anymore. I had so much  to think and deal with, first and foremost myself and my health.  I have also been in therapy for the last 6 years which has assisted in my successful decision making skills. So then how do I put myself out shouldn't be so hard . Take off my commitment rings and leave myself single. I have been on a few dates, chemistry is a bear sometimes . But most importantly I am NOT HIV. I have HIV.  I have nothing to be ashamed about and nothing to regret.

Keep a check of your health -  most importantly. Keep up your daily regimen of meds. Eat well and exercise regularly. All of these are important no matter what you are going through , take care of your body and it will do the same .

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