My journey through life with HIV and HEP-C .

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring , Renewal ?

Sorry its been so long . I have been constructing what I wanted to say since It has been an incredible time for me , both sad and glad . My two very good friends have passed 1 from his horrible HIV and the other by accidental suicide . I only say this as she tried so many other times , this time she just plain took her pain and left. I have become somewhat of a good mourner, I know exactly what I am supposed to do and feel . I suppose you reach an age where it is second nature , mine was 25 most people would say 40-45 .
I am starting a new study for the newer drug called Raltegravir  in place of the white cocoon Norivir ! Yeah, I hated that pill it was always the one I could taste , feel , make me aware I am sick . Anyway this pill also helps stabilise your cholesterol which mine has gone through the roof ( no more daily ice cream). So I hope it helps me and countless others this happens too.

I am looking forward to the warm weather which was here a day ago before the twisters came and sucked it away ! Honestly twisters in New England "?Really?? yes they were bad too .

I hope your all well and enjoying the warm weather where ever you are . Sending you love and light , Blessed Be!!

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