My journey through life with HIV and HEP-C .

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Still fighting the good fight .

Wow as I change the calendar this month. I am immediately reminded , I am going on 20 years of surviving  HIV, & Hepc . Both are undetectable . I am semi healthy , by that I mean I have maintained my weight  of 150 Lbs for 6 months now .   My Dr. Had switched me to complera and the weight just flew off my body . I could not or did not want to eat . The side effects of this drug ,plus my antidepressant did a number on my stomach . I finally remembered a friend from the 80's who was losing weight and having stomach issues used ENSURE to help put on weight and add some more nutrients as well. The Dr also switched me to Odefsey, and a different antidepressant Effexor.
I am sure you long time survivors have been switched a few times by now .The side effects are the worst but once you get used to them , you will get switched again .

The only other issue I have is dizziness and fainting .If any of you are having this problem, we need to talk about it. I am sure I am not the only one out here . Hoping you are all well , and Blessed

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